(+30) 210 2633955

E-Mail Marketing

Engage with your customers like never before…

E-mail marketing is one of the most effective means to promote- in a targeted manner- your products & services to new and existing clientele. Through E-mail marketing you will build strong viral relationships with your customers, and always communicate with them new fresh ideas and promotions. Think like you could deliver the right message, to the right people, at the right time.

Our mission is to develop E-mail marketing campaigns, so that you communicate directly with the right people and serving them the message. We consider this as a cornerstone of the digital marketing strategy, as E-mail marketing allows you to build strong relationships in the most effective way; regarding both cost and time

AdOpt’s E-mail marketing campaigns strategy includes:

  • Business understanding
  • E-mail campaigns strategy
  • Ideas and campaign plan
  • Content & Design
  • Execution & send
  • CTAs optimization
  • Reporting & Analysis

Why Us

We deeply believe in the notion that the work we produce is thanks to the commitment and effort put in by each member of our team. Working across a range of departments, but as one unit the same time, we all are passionate about creating your competitive advantage for our clients’ business. Our team has cutting-edge technology experience and capabilities, and in-depth knowledge of the new technologies era; we do not say so, BUT our clients do.

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